My best vacation

 In the summer of 2014 i went with my family through the austral road, our travel begin in hornopiren the first town in the road, hornopiren is next to ancud but by the side of the country, from there we take a ferry to caleta porcelana where we was going to take de road again to reach caleta gonzalo, this ferry was sailing through the fjords and that is an image that i keep in my mind like a photo.


at some point after two or three hours the captain told us that because a timing misunderstood the bay in caleta porcelana was occupied by another ferry, so we must take another route, one that would take the double of time, this was sailing outside the fjord following the coast to reach caleta gonzalo by sea. 

After favi hours, once we was in open waters some toninas appeared next to the ferry, toninas are like a kind of dolphins but in a Chilean way, they follow us for nearly twenty minutes. After seven hours sailing we landed in Caleta gonzalo where we passed the night. I have to admit these huts were something beautiful but it was as expensive as an eye of the face.

we sleep in the silence of the very south to keep the trip the next morning.    


  1. Oooh I wanna go to south again, but further this time. Let´s go to visit Paulo!


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